PRJHS finds connections in history

Korea’s National holiday researched and celebrated at Pike Road Junior High School

March 1st is a national holiday in both South and North Korea, in remembrance of the March First Independence Movement. The March First Independence Movement of 1919 was a non-violent and peaceful movement to get Korea’s independence from the Japanese empire. 

In the first week of March, leaners at Pike Road Junior High School, learned about the March First movement, researched about independence activists, and made biography posters of global heroes who fought with Koreans for Korea’s independence; Ahn ChangHo, Albert Wilder Taylor, Homer Bezaleel Hulburt, William Alderman Linton, and the Underwoods. 

The most surprising thing is that these posters were made in only 30 minutes. It sounds impossible to make a poster in such a brief time but look what they created!  

Those posters are displayed in the hallway near A-KEEP's Korean classroom, so that other learners of PRJHS can see them as they walk through the hallway.  We hope this can help other students see some connections between Korea and USA. 

The fund for this program is subsidized by the Korean Ministry of Education and the Atlanta Korean Education Center. 동 사업비는 대한민국 교육부 및 애틀랜타 한국교육원의 지원으로 진행되고 있음. 

By Juyeon Jo