B.U.D. Club established in 2016
The last exchange program for Global Youth leaders Exchange Program was in 2015. A-KEEP wanted to reach high school students with another approach to leadership and diversity training. In 2016, we formed the Bridging Unity in Diversity [B.U.D.] Youth Leadership Training program to take the initiative to develop a program to foster youth advocates for people with Developmental Disabilities (DD). The mission was to embody cultural difference and unite students of diverse backgrounds through communication, cooperation, and service. Ultimately, this program will make youth advocates who break the cycle of indifference in people with DD as well as became a service-oriented club. Students were recruited originally from Korean families to become more involved with the Montgomery communities. Volunteerism was emphasized to learn about various disabilities and other cultures in the area.
Today, Bridging Unity in Diversity [B.U.D] has taken on the A-KEEP’s brand to bridge cultural differences. The BUD Club members volunteered at many of the cultural activities A-KEEP participated in around the Montgomery area; they volunteered in the community like the MGM zoo; and learned about DD and cultural differences to bring cultural competence to the Montgomery area. NOW, we are proud to offer Korean language and other cultural expressions to schools and community events (ex. Korean Heritage Night at the Biscuits game). We are starting “clubs” in grades 7th – 12th at the school sites where we teach Korean to continue volunteerism.
During our 10 years, we look back at the different events - plays, workshops, exhibitions, and current students participating in language classes - both during and after-school and see that the formula for unity is inclusion. A-KEEP has done well in advocating for Alabamians and other immigrant populations to participate in our programs to break the cycle of indifference and start dialogue with people to discuss their specific concerns and make their voices stronger in our community.
Bridging Unity with Diversity is what we hope for and what we do!
By: Tiki Armstrong